
  • 15.4 Million Facebook Application Users in January

    Published on the blog on 22 Feb 2008 Stats for
    • 15.4 million Facebook users interacted with fb Application pages (@ in January:

    • On average ~51% of Facebook’s user base engages with Application pages:

    • In January, fb Application pages directly contributed 1.5 billion pages (8.4% of total) to’s total page view count. Given the trend, I expect Application pages to gradually form a larger chunk of’s overall page views over time.

      Note: Stats in this post are limited to activity on Most Facebook Applications load pages in iframes from 3rd party (non-facebook) servers. According to sources, users can generate well over >10 page views on 3rd party servers for each one that they see on In January, Compete estimates ~1.5 billion page loads of, which translates to roughly 11-12 billion page views across Facebook app iframes.

    • 6-month gains in time spent, sessions, and page views generated on


    This data reinforces the fact that Facebook’s Application strategy and ongoing refinements appear to be working. Now the big question — as Facebook’s unique visitor growth plateaus, what will be their next traffic growth engine? They are still 36 million short of’s 67 million U.S. unique visitors.

    note: data in this post is U.S. centric, and is limited to activity on

  • Does Privacy Matter to Most Facebook Users? Let’s look at some data.

    Published on the blog on 19 February 2008

    Does privacy matter to most Facebook users? Take a look at the chart below, and judge for yourself (weekly unique visitors to facebook’s privacy settings pages):

    Facebook Privacy Data

    Even after all the recent mainstream media coverage and debate surrounding Facebook’s controversial beacon program, online privacy in general, and Facebook making available universal beacon opt-out — traffic to Facebook’s privacy settings pages has essentially been flat. NOT A GOOD SIGN!

    It’s likely that the average Facebook user DOES care about their privacy, and know they should do something about it, but are mostly unaware or don’t know what they can or should do. Should Facebook be doing more around online privacy education? There is a lot of unintended sharing going on, and I think it is in Facebook’s long term best interest to do so.

  • Super excited about SxSW Interactive 2008

    SxSW Interactive 2008

    March 7-11, 2008
    SXSW Interactive
    Austin, Texas

    The SXSW Interactive Festival features five days of exciting panel content and amazing parties. Attracting digital creatives as well as visionary technology entrepreneurs, the event celebrates the best minds and the brightest personalities of emerging technology. Whether you are a hard-core geek, a dedicated content creator, a new media entrepreneur, or just someone who likes being around an extremely creative community, SXSW Interactive is for you!

    it’s going to be my first time attending. it sounds like A LOT of fun, can’t wait!

    please ping/tweet/email/message/im me if you’re going, would love to connect and catch up 🙂

  • Updates

    A number of updates were released today!

    1. Cleaner Results with Report Overviews

    Now when you run a Search Analytics report, you will see a new “Report Overview” table above each report. Big plans for this section. Look out for more here in the near future.

    New Report Summary Table

    2. More Search Analytics data on Site Analytics

    The layout of the new Search Analytics module on Site Analytics is much cleaner, and also includes a new metric — the total number of keywords that are driving traffic to the domain.

    In the screenshot below, you see immediately that the gurus at Amazon are doing a much better job of milking the long tail than Walmart. Over a 10x difference – 286,306 keywords drive traffic to vs. just 27,206 keywords to!

    How are you doing vs. your competitors?

    Search Analytics

    click here for a more complete list of updates

  • On Facebook…

    Marketwatch Logo

    Facebook’s about-face on privacy a bit late
    By Therese Poletti, MarketWatch

    “Facebook should have said something earlier, that’s a mistake that they made,” said Jay Meattle, a product marketing manager at in Boston, which tracks Web site traffic.

    The whole Beacon fiasco does not seem to have had any impact on membership, and it is not clear that it will. Even though some members threatened in their posts on the group that they would quit Facebook, visits to the site are still surging. According to, the number of unique visitors to Facebook in November jumped 20.1%, outpacing growth at the larger MySpace, owned by News Corp, which is buying Dow Jones, the parent of MarketWatch.

    “Even with the privacy hoopla and the PR fiasco, Facebook is still growing and it’s growing quickly,” said Meattle of