Tag: 2008

  • A look at traffic to IRS.gov… have you filed your taxes yet?

    Published on the Compete.com blog on 17 March 2008

    Every single year that I have prepared my own tax return (yes, I still do my own taxes), I’ve prepared them the weekend before they have been due. Examining traffic to IRS.gov for the past few years, it looks like my tax filing behavior may not be the norm!! —

    Unique Visitors to irs.gov

    My observations:

    • Traffic to IRS.gov peaks in February each year (and not in April 🙂
    • After several, mostly flat years, more people are visiting IRS.gov this year. However, my guess is that some of this increase was likely driven by people curious about the Economic Stimulus Payments. Compared to February ’07, traffic is up 27% this year. According to Compete data, the 24.4 million unique visitors in Feb ’08 was also the biggest month ever for IRS.gov (data goes back to 2001).

    POLL: When do you plan to file your taxes this year?

  • Super excited about SxSW Interactive 2008

    SxSW Interactive 2008

    March 7-11, 2008
    SXSW Interactive
    Austin, Texas

    The SXSW Interactive Festival features five days of exciting panel content and amazing parties. Attracting digital creatives as well as visionary technology entrepreneurs, the event celebrates the best minds and the brightest personalities of emerging technology. Whether you are a hard-core geek, a dedicated content creator, a new media entrepreneur, or just someone who likes being around an extremely creative community, SXSW Interactive is for you!

    it’s going to be my first time attending. it sounds like A LOT of fun, can’t wait!

    please ping/tweet/email/message/im me if you’re going, would love to connect and catch up 🙂