This felt like e-mail SPAM… yuch. Feels dirty. Wake up Facebook.
David, please do something 🙂
This felt like e-mail SPAM… yuch. Feels dirty. Wake up Facebook.
David, please do something 🙂
Presentation on community design by Christina Wodtke:
Recommend downloading the Powerpoint slides as some of the text isn’t legible in the Flash conversion.
Community framework:
Akismet stats for the Compete Blog:
From Akismet’s homepage:
You have better things to do with your life than deal with the underbelly of the internet. Automattic Kismet (Akismet for short) is a collaborative effort to make comment and trackback spam a non-issue and restore innocence to blogging, so you never have to worry about spam again.
They’ve nailed it thus far.
This blew my mind today.
Robert Scoble was at today’s big Google press conference with Eric Schmidt and tons of other execs, and he (via Twitter) solicited questions – in real time – from his Twitter friends for the Google folks:
Incredible. I felt like I was really at the press conference and could ask anything, thanks to the Scoble + Twitter conduit. wow.
Update (Robert’s vantage point):
via [] – posters, etc also available via cafepress.