Category: quoted

  • Leading Change

    “Be the change you want to see in the world.” – Mahatma Gandhi

  • Strategies for operating in this liquidity crisis

    From Ratan Tata‘s letter to all Tata companies (dated: Nov 6 2008):

    Under the circumstances I consider it essential that each of our companies should consider:

    • the conservation of cash to the maximum extent possible
    • draw down all loans / lines of credit from banks and institutions to the maximum extent possible
    • expeditiously finalise pending load and funding agreements, even if they involve accepting higher rates of interest

    Companies should also take finite steps to:

    • improve operational efficiency
    • aggressively implement restructuring of internal cost framework
    • drastically reduce operating expenditure
    • defer non-essential capital expenditure and capacity expansion
    • put on hold any plans for acquisitions unless considered strategically critical

  • Stay slim, build something great, evangelize like crazy. Repeat.

    “The cost of a pure, boot-strapped, startups today is really the time the founders put into it. Don’t pay for software, don’t sign an office lease, and don’t hire a PR firm. Stay slim, build something great and wait. If it doesn’t grow make the product better and wait some more. Keep that process up until you find something that makes people absolutely rabid for your product.” — Jason Calacanis

  • I have always been a pragmatist.

    People who are reformers often give very tough speeches and don’t reform anything. It makes no difference when they come or go. I have always been a pragmatist.” — Henry Paulson, Treasury Secretary & Former CEO of Goldman Sachs

    source: Fortune Magazine, September ’08

  • Don’t make them guess.

    “Prospective users are always asking themselves, “What’s in it for me?” Answer the question. Don’t make them guess. Clearly state the benefit of every service, feature, or product.” — unknown